Conference Policies

HoMMUNC believes in giving students the opportunity to debate international relations and experience Model UN in an accepting and positive environment. We welcome students of all experience levels to participate and learn, and we seek to help students familiarize themselves with the fundamental aspects of Model UN: research, debate, and collaboration. Ultimately, we aim to instill a sense of love for Model UN in all of our delegates. We reward leaders who improve the quality of discussion and the atmosphere of committee while at HoMMUNC. In the pursuit of these ends, we have instituted the following policies for HoMMUNC XXXVIII:


HoMMUNC XXXVIII will charge a $45 delegate fee along with a $80 fee for each delegation. Once you register, we will send your faculty advisor an invoice. Please refer to the Registration Page for more details about payment.

Financial aid

HoMMUNC XXXVIII will provide financial aid when necessary. If your delegation has issues paying any of the fees, please Email Us or use the Contact Us Page to request financial aid.


All working papers, draft resolutions, directives, communiqués, press releases, and any other forms of committee legislation may not be written before the beginning of the first committee session of HoMMUNC XXXVIII. Any delegate discovered with pre-written committee legislation will be disqualified from receiving an award, and their school will be disqualified from receiving a delegation award.


Upon concluding debate, the HoMMUNC XXXVIII Secretariat will give awards to two delegations based on the performance of their delegates in committee. These awards are determined using a point system where the delegation with the highest point average will receive the Best Large Delegation award and so on with the Outstanding Large Delegation award. The following delegation awards will be awarded at HoMMUNC XXXVIII.

First Place: Best Large Delegation
Second Place: Outstanding Large Delegation


Every piece of committee legislation submitted at HoMMUNC XXXVIII must be the original work of the delegate sponsoring it. Any delegates found plagiarizing the work of another delegate or the work of any institution will be disqualified from receiving awards, and their schools will be disqualified from receiving a delegation award.


Position papers are not required for HoMMUNC XXXVIII, although the dais will receive them if they are sent before the conference. If you would like to send a position paper, you can find your chair’s email on the background guide. Position papers will have no bearing on awards in committee, and the vast majority of delegates attending HoMMUNC will not submit position papers. As such, HoMMUNC will not be providing guidelines for writing position papers. However, delegates are free to write position papers in the interest of focusing their ideas and country policies in order to better their understanding of the topic at hand.

If you have any questions regarding the policies above or anything related to HoMMUNC, please feel free to send us an email.